Florida Health Solution is a Florida licensed Prepaid Health Clinic & Discount Medical Plan Organization and our patients have the option to cancel at any time, it is very important to request an authorization every time because it is the only way to confirm if the patient is eligible at the time of the service.
No, FHS does not process claims. The provider must request an authorization at the time of the service and based on that authorization FHS will send a payment directly to the provider’s office based on the signed contract.
Based on our policies and procedures, we have 72 hours to process a Non Stat Appointment but most of the appointments are ready and confirmed with the patient in less than 48 hrs. Stat and Urgent Appointments are done immediately.
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List of questions
How can I send a referral ?
I don’t have my card how can I get a new one ?
Does this health plan provide a 1095 form for taxes ?
What our my copays for general doctors and specialist ?
Am I able to change my payment date ?
When are my panel benefits available ?
At what time is the Customer Service Department open
Where can I find an urgent care in network with FHS incase of an emergency ?
At what time does the Authorization Dept open ?
We are open Monday thru Friday 8am-5pm.
What is the reimbursement timeline ?
Our reimbursement timelines to our providers is expedited monthly, we strive for the 20th day of the month.